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Old Warwickians

Rules of the OWA

Rules as adopted at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 9th March 2015

1. The Club shall be called The Old Warwickian Association, with its headquarters at Warwick School, Warwick, CV34 6PP.

2. The objects of the Association shall be to promote fellowship and comradeship between Old Boys, Teaching Staff and ex-Teaching Staff of Warwick School and to foster the interests and uphold the traditions of Warwick School.

3. The following shall be eligible for membership subject to the approval of the committee: 
- Former boys of the Upper Sixth, Lower Sixth and Upper Fifth, and teaching staff of Warwick School who leave the School on retirement.
- Teaching staff at the School who shall be honorary members.
- Such other persons as may be deemed by the committee to be members or honorary members.

4. Membership of the Association shall be at no cost to the members.

5.    The Association shall be managed by an executive committee comprised as follows: The President, Chairman, Honorary Treasurer and Head Master.  The Warwick School Alumni Relations Officer shall act as Honorary Secretary and shall be in attendance at the meetings. 

6.   The members of the committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association held in accordance with Rule 10 hereafter, each member present having one vote in respect of each vacancy to be filled.

7. The President shall not be eligible to retain office for more than one consecutive year, from 1st January to 31st December.

8. The chairman shall not be eligible to retain office for more than five consecutive years.

9. The committee shall have the power to:-
- Fill casual vacancies.
- Appoint sub-committees to which may be deputed or referred such powers and duties as the committee shall determine.  Such sub-committees shall, on request, report their proceedings to the committee and shall conduct their business in accordance with the directions of the committee.
- Co-opt.

10. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held each year in the month of December or at such other earlier time as determined by the committee.

11. A Statement of Accounts for the financial year ending on 30th September shall be presented to the AGM by the Honorary Treasurer, such statement having been subject to an independent examination.

12. An Extraordinary General Meeting for the consideration only of the business specified in the notice calling the meeting shall be convened by the Honorary Secretary at any time either on the instructions of the committee or at the request in writing to the Honorary Secretary of any twenty members of the Association.

13. Twenty-eight days’ clear notice shall be given in writing by the Honorary Secretary of every General and Extraordinary General Meeting. Such written notice may be given by newsletter, e-mail or such similar medium.

14. At any General or Extraordinary General Meeting the chairman shall have an original and a casting vote.

15. The committee shall be empowered to nominate members of the committee, a president elect and an accounts’ examiner for the following year, and its recommendations shall be put before members of the Association twenty-eight days prior to the actual meeting.  Other nominations correctly proposed and seconded by members shall be in the hands of the Honorary Secretary not less than fourteen days before the AGM.  Any member proposed must have indicated their willingness to serve on the committee. The president elect will, subject to other nominations, be confirmed as president at the subsequent AGM.

16. Notice of any resolution to be submitted to an AGM shall be notified to the Honorary Secretary not less than twenty-eight days before the date of the meeting and shall be signed by the proposer and seconder.

17. The Association’s colours shall be maroon, silver and royal blue.

18. The committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of these rules.  The decision of the committee upon any questions of interpretation or upon any matters affecting the Association and not provided for by these rules shall be final and binding on all members.

19. These rules may from time to time be altered and any other rules may be made by resolution passed at any General or Extraordinary General Meeting provided details of such resolution have been given in the notice calling that meeting.

20. A copy of these rules shall be sent to each member on request.